Leave that to the Brujah and the Gangrel, though I won't be excluding those from this walk-through. Unless you like to carry a lot of blood-packs, plenty of ammo, and have a really high strength, then brute force is not suggested.

Most of my solutions will be stealth and using disciplines or swords. However, note that because of the way this game was built I am really only going to give one possible solution. In this guide I will give a general walk-through of most of the missions in Bloodlines. Whether Malkavian (my favorite) or Gangrel, Nosferatu or Toreador (another favorite of mine), I'll help you on your way to becoming top Vampire in L.A. Well fledgling, not able to keep up with the Elders? Or simply trying to save your unlife from final death? Well, whatever your reason, you've come to the right place.

If you have found a way that you can do a mission using skills of higher ranks that's great, however, I will not be putting them in my guide so please do not e-mail me with them as I will no longer respond to them. YES NO The Final Ride Mission 20 Part 1: Ming Xiao Mission 20 Part 2: The Prince 4.Side Missions Ease the Pain Blackmailing the Doc A Pet Ghoul Thin Blood The Asian Vampire Werewolf Blood Lost Merc The Face of Death The Devil's Confession A Plague for the Angels Gargoyle Tamer Good Food, Bad Critic Rescuing Ash Imalia's Magazine Imalia's Bane Mitnick's Tangled Web Gary's Little Secrets Hunting The Hunter Find the Snitch Supernatural Food-Chain Silencing The Ghoul Fat Larry's Briefcase Fishy Demon The Hitman Imposse Eye Gouge Hell Bad Luck Farmer Saving Some Ash 5.Contact Info 6.Copyright Info ************** Read Me First ************** My guide is written in such a way that a person with zero ranks in every skill could conceivable finish the game.